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Coaching you through repairing past financial mistakes, thriving now, and preparing for a prosperous future.

Are you tired of...

Are you tired of...
  • Living paycheck to paycheck or not making enough money?

  • Feeling guilt, fear, shame, or stress when spending money?

  • Your debt growing out of control?

  • Fighting with your partner about money? 

  • Second guessing your career plan? 

  • Being unprepared to handle a financial emergency?

  • Not having a financial plan or knowing if yours is sufficient?

I can help you...

I can help you...
  • Feel secure and prepared when you spend money 

  • Pay off debt, prepare for emergencies, and build savings 

  • Improve financial unity between you and your partner

  • Choose a career that will meet your financial goals 

  • Avoid debt

  • Revamp your wealth mindset and make more money

  • Improve your credit score

  • Prepare to buy your first home

  • Better your spending, saving, and investing behaviors

  • Create a plan for success

  • Navigate financial hardships such as job loss, emergencies, debt collections, considering bankruptcy, and more

  • Determine insurance needs to protect yourself and family 

  • Connect with the reputable professionals as needed

Coaching phases

Coaching Phases


Gathering Information

  • Consultation

  • Compile income, expenses, savings, and investment information

  • Determine what you already know and are doing well with your finances.

  • Determine what you need and want to know.

  • Track every dollar


Discovery and Learning

  • Review findings from the information phase

  • Explore and identify external barriers

  • Explore and identify personal barriers

  • Expand knowledge of financial strategies

  • Increase knowledge of change strategies

  • Analyze how you can best implement financial strategies and make needed changes


 taking Baby steps to uplift your situation

  • Set goals

  • Create action steps

  • Practice making changes

  • Follow up and accountability

  • Review information, plan, goals, and action steps regularly

  • Modify goals and action steps as needed.

What to Expect

10 minute check-ins 


  • Each coaching session comes with 1, 10 minute check-in following the session

  • Answer questions  

  • Review information

  • Practice accountability

What to Expect



  • 30-60 minutes via video call

  • Determine if coaching is right for you and if I am a good fit for your situation

  • Estimate the number of coaching sessions needed

  • Discuss pricing options

  • Schedule additional coaching sessions or connect you with reputable professionals 

Coaching Sessions​


  • Up to 60 minutes via video call

  • Gathering information

  • Discovery and learning

  • Baby steps for change

  • Injecting hope

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