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My Story

I grew up in a fairly steady home, but money was tight for my parents and their 12 kids. My parents did not talk to us much about their finances but I frequently overheard their stress filled conversations related to money. My dad retired early from his teaching job when I entered high school to pursue a business opportunity. We then moved out of state into a travel trailer to pursue his dreams. After about 1 year my dad's business tanked with the great recession and he declared bankruptcy. Shortly after I left to serve a 2 year mission. On my mission I saw many financial hardships people go through and it's impacts on them. When I returned home I started learning about budgeting and made my first budget on excel. It was terrible, but it helped me to learn how to be in control of my money. I then got married, started having children, and went to school. Early on in my marriage, a friend lent me Dave Ramsey's financial peace book. This inspired me to set aside an emergency fund, work hard to avoid debt during school, and to start investing. I worked hard throughout, but once grad school started I was unable to avoid taking out student loans to pay for tuition. After graduating I started my career as an occupational therapist and purchased a home with my wife and 2 children. We later added 2 more children to our family. Since living in our current home, we have experienced many financial emergencies and hardships. Even with our meager income, we have been blessed and prepared to handle each one of them as they came. With cash we have been able to purchase our cars, do home repairs and remodels, pay for our children's extra curricular activities, go on modest family vacations, pursue hobbies, donate to individuals and charities, and invest in our future. We are enjoying the present moment and are on our way toward a successful financial future.

Why train with me?

  1. My experience and educational background as an occupational therapist is a unique compliment to financial coaching.*

  2. I am specialized and trained on how to help people perform daily activities to their fullest despite physical, emotional, and cognitive barriers.

  3. I am a certified Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach**.

  4. Guiding and uplifting my family and friends has always been meaningful to me.

  5. I genuinely care about people and their success.

  6. I have experience living modestly and facing financial hardships.

  7. I have helped many people more fully live their lives. I want to uplift and coach you through the changes that will help you be more successful financially.

*Occupations are the activities people need and want to do - things like managing finances, going to school or work, interacting with people, making a meal, and so much more. Occupational therapists help people perform these daily activities to their fullest despite the barriers they face.​

**I do not work for and am not affiliated with Dave Ramsey or Ramsey solutions. While I agree and support  many of Dave Ramsey's financial principles, I have developed my own perspectives some of which do not follow all of his philosophies.

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